Ganesha Chaturthi - August 29th, 2014 IST Peak Power Time to Remove Obstacles & Bring Luck
The most powerful, obstacle-obliterating deity that exists is coming in full force this August 29th specifically to help you succeed! He is not waiting for his birthday, as he is already appearing in people's dreams.
August 29th (IST) is Ganesha Chaturthi. Ganesha the Elephant God is an unusual Archetype because of his close association with humans. His birthday is very, very important, even mystics who have their own sometimes radical path agree that Ganesha is important, because He has a special knowledge to remove obstacles and that is the most important thing. So everybody goes to him in order to remove obstacles. Ganesha's birthday is the perfect time for you to make a permanent connection with the remover of obstacles, Lord Ganapati.
Dissolve Your Karma with Mystical Clay Ganesha Statue

On Ganesha's Birthday (Ganesha Chaturthi), a powerful tradition in India is followed, where inexpensive mud statues of Lord Ganesha are made in vast numbers for the purpose of clearing karma via a sacrifice of clay statues. The statue has the ability to absorb your karma into the clay medium. On your behalf our Vedic Specialists will perform 3 days of prayer and pooja to the clay statues. The priests, recite chants and invocations into the statue and guide the transference of your karma to the effigy.
After the completion of the Ganesha Chaturthi rituals, the clay Ganeshas are submerged and dissolved in flowing water. As the clay image disintegrates, your negative karma is also dissolved. It is a very effective ritual sometimes referred to as sympathetic magic.
Blessings Of Ancestors
In Hindu mythology, it is believed that our ancestors are still watching us, they are protecting us from the hurdles of life and blessing us. But at the same time, they want us to remember them and pay respect and honor to them because they had already given us a lot and still giving a lot. Rituals of Tarpan in Shraddha is a way to pay our gratitude toward the ancestors for all that they have given or giving to us. It is believed that if the rituals are performed with full faith, love, and respect, our ancestors get happy and protect us from all the evil powers of the universe. They don't let anything harm us either it is natural or supernatural.
Shraadh Puja is of immense importance in Hinduism, it is performed for departed souls of ancestors. Shraadh is observed so that the souls of one’s ancestors can attain peace and liberation. The significance and importance associated with Shraadh puja is mentioned in various Hindu Puranas such as Agni Purana, Garuda Purana and Matysa Purana. has designed various pujas of Shraadh as per the importance of each date in Pitru Paksh with correct Viddhi (procedure) as mentioned in Garuda Puran through Karamkandi Pundits / Priests.
Get answers to your questions through Astrology

Astrology is the Vedic system of casting a horoscope for your question and give you answers that you've been seeking.
- Get complete analysis for your question and the conclusion
- Has all relevant charts for later reference
- Gives you details of all relevant astrological combinations
We have team of Vidvaan Pandit ji who are expertise in their field and do all kind of poojas.
What is Saturn Sadesati? Saturn Sadesati is the 7.5 years long transit of Saturn through the 12th house to the 2nd house during which time Saturn may give an unusual amount of stress to the person.
What can you expect during Sadesati? Saturn may put you under financial and personal stress, create frequent obstacles and stop you from achieving success easily. Saturn will challenge you and if you do not rise up to the challenge then you may face failure.
Sadesati's influence on you This report gives you a basic overview of your Sadesati, giving you the dates, and a very basic analysis of the impact of Sadesati on you.
Send us an email at with below details to get your free analysis
Gender: Male/Female
Date of birth: DD/MMM/YYYY
Place of birth: City, State
Time Of Birth: HH:MM am/pm
Ancestors' Debts - Pitra Dosh??
Pitra dosh causes all kinds of problem to the person whose reasons are very hard for one to understand. We keep asking ourselves "why are these problems coming to me only", a major reason for this could be rin dosh which has different kinds of effects on different people:
- One may not be able to extend his family to the next generation;
- Some families always keep fighting amongst themselves and they're unable to stop their quarrels

- One's things keep getting sold off for lack of money
- Failing in business/his work
- Unable to get married
- Wealth will come in, but not stay in the family
- Plants and animals don't flourish in such homes
- The social status of the family decreases
- The diseases in such families never go away, there's always some kind of illness present
- The head of the family keeps getting ill; or he/she may have some grave ill
- Women of the house go through abortions
- Despite all the material things, the members of the family go though problems
- There are increased disagreements between brothers and sisters (siblings)
- There are more quarrels between husband and wife
- Families have issues with their stomach, blood pressure or blood related problems, whitening of hair before time
- Children in such families don't get good education despite their efforts
Every year there are certain days which are specially meant for remembering our ancestors, these are called 'shraadh paksh' belonging to the "pitra paksh". These days come about in the month of "Ashwiini" on the first day of "Amavasya" as per the Hindu calendar.
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