Special Shradh Puja in Haridwar

Friday 11 July 2014

Rahu - Ketu Transit: July 13th, IST Rahu Moves into Virgo, Ketu Moves into Pisces What Does The Snake Planet Transit Mean For You?

#RahuKetuTransit: July 13th, IST
Rahu Moves into Virgo, Ketu Moves into Pisces
What Does The Snake Planet Transit Mean For You?


Rahu-Ketu reveals your destiny and fate! They are considered the strongest of all the nine planets. They also reveal your greatest gifts and darkest fears. Rahu compels you to experience the karma that you are due and Ketu brings about detachment but usually through pain. Their transits are important because they have a profound impact on you and on the world.

Rahu-Ketu will be changing signs on Sunday, July 13th (IST): Rahu moves to Virgo and Ketu moves to Pisces. Remember, Rahu gives and Ketu takes away. This transit is very special as it creates a powerful energy of Millionaire Yoga and Ashta (8) Lakshmi Yoga.

The influence of Rahu and Ketu are considered stronger than all other planets with Ketu more powerful than Rahu. The sign of their residence indicates which aspect of your life will be affected. Rahu and Ketu are also known as Karmic planets. They manifest the deep inert thoughts and desires ingrained in our brains as reality of our lives. Rahu and Ketu unfold karma at specific times in your life that tends to throw us out of gear sometimes. But when we reach out to these shadow planets and pacify them, they protect us. They guard us from doing wrong and accumulating our grief and wrong doings as karma.

Participate in the Rahu Ketu Transit Rituals to help you receive the blessings of Rahu and Ketu.

Email: aapkikundli@gmail.com

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