Know the outcome of planetary movements on your lives thru Indian astrology and Vedic Remedy to improve life
Monday, 28 July 2014
Remove Snake Curses on #NagaChaturthi- #NagaPanchami
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Hariyali Amavasya - Rarest Triple Auspicious Combo Today
Hariyali Amavasya - Rarest Triple Auspicious Combo Today
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Today is Hariyali Amavasya; and this day is a rare combo of 3 most auspicious astrological things. Widen your knowledge about Hariyali Amavasya and read facts associated through this article...
Hariyali Amavasya in 2014 will be celebrated on July 26.
Hariyali Amavasya is the day to welcome the cool showers of monsoon, greenery of agricultural season, and seek blessings of Shiva and Krishna. Hariyali signifies greenery and Amavasya stands for New Moon Day. As per North Indian Hindu calendar, Hariyali Amavasya falls on the Amavasya of the Shravan (Sawan) month. While according to the South Indian Hindu calendar, it is observed in the Ashadham month. It should be noted that both these days are same. Hariyali Amavasya is a highly sacred day and comes three days prior to Hariyali Teej. Beauty of this day increases with lush green surroundings, cool drops of rain, and festive mood spread in the environment.
“If an Amavasya falls on Saturday, its effect gets doubled. The day is considered highly auspicious for Pitru Karya and Deva Karya. This day is considered highly auspicious for performing the Shradh of those souls who departed due to an untimely or unnatural death. Apart from this, this day is also very special for those who are affected by the planet Saturn. If you are going through Shani Sade Sati, Dhaiyya, Shani Dasha/Mahadasha, or your Saturn is malefic, you may go for Shani Shanti Puja on this day.
1- Conjunction of Amavasya and Saturday is a very rare event that occurs once in a blue moon to give us a chance of getting rid of our problems.
2- One more thing is adding charm to the auspiciousness of this day i.e. Pushya Nakshatra. The Constellation Pushya is also prevailing on this day of Amavasya, which is falling of Saturday. Hence, this is a very powerful combination. You may get immense benefit by performing some rituals.
3-If you believe in gemstones, wearing Blue Sapphire today will be very auspicious and beneficial. However, it will be great to consult an astrologer before considering a gemstone.”
Pt. Banshi Dhar Pandey
In the above quote, Pt. Banshi Dhar Pandey talked about Shradh. If you want to know everything about Shradh or Pitru Karya in detail, please contact Shraddha 2014 - Special Days For Ancestors
He also talked about planet Saturn, Shani Sade Sati, Dhaiyya, and Dasha/Mahadasha of Saturn. Know everything in detail in below link:
Friday, 25 July 2014
Book Nag Panchami Puja at
Naga Chaturthi-Panchami: Remove Snake Curses
Special Combination of Planets on Krishna's Birthday
The 4th and 5th Moons this Thursday July 31st and Friday August 1st (IST), are called Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami. On these days Snake (Nagas) rituals will be performed that are very effective at clearing snake curses. This year, Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami are special as they will be directly connected with Rahu and Ketu. This alignment will not repeat for another 18 years. Negative karma associated with Rahu and Ketu can be cleared away with rituals to the 1,000 headed snake, Adishesha. Worshipping the king of the Snake Kingdom, Lord Adishesha and pouring milk into snake pits will produce an immediate positive effect and bring down the malefic influence of the snake planets in your birth chart. Also worshiping Lord Ganesha and Goddess Durga during Naga Chaturthi-Panchami, will be very beneficial for you as both will be very powerful.
Nagas - not all Snakes are Snakes

5 Rahu-Ketu Boons:
- You are able to focus deeply on a given subject.
- You have the ability to rule at the top of your profession.
- You earn respect of others, though not everyone will like you.
- You will have a strong belief in God. You may even have direct experiences.
- People will find you mysterious & charming. (Eg; Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)
5 Symptoms of a Snake Affliction:
- You constantly experience evil eye, jealously and curses from others.
- Continuous problems in Marital life; Spouse always argues, and is negative.
- Problem with attitude; sharp tongue, short tempered, lose temper for no reason.
- Problems relating with others by being too secretive and aloof.
- Hermit-like behavior and a disheveled appearance.
What You Should Do with Naga Dosha

Special Combination of Planets on Krishna's Birthday

Sunday, 20 July 2014
#MangalDosh Remedies in India Through Mangal Mantra With Homam #Manglik
- 4th house
- 7th house
- 8th house
- 12th house
- Long time delay in Marriage
- Out of keeping sexual life
- Dissatisfactions after marriage
- Low potential
- Extra Marital Affairs
Shani (#Saturn) Shanti Puja in India
Importance of Shani AmavasyaShani Amavasya in 2014 will be celebrating on July 26. Amavasya is the day when the Moon is not visible in the sky and hence these days are believed to be very inauspicious. When such days coincide with Saturdays then that day is termed as Shani Amavasya. However, Shani Amavasya is quite similar to all other Amavasyas but there are some specific works that are advised to be done on this day. Worshipping Lord Shani on this particular day will bless a person with the benefic effects of planet Saturn.This Puja is also a remedy for sins and relief from shani sade sati/dhaiya problems.
Special shani amavasya Tail Abhishekam Puja
We conducts Special shani jayanti amavasya Puja for each individual to protect the person suffering from chronic and acute illness or to avoid untimely death/akaal mrityu. This puja also accelerates to promote:
• Financial prosperity and stability• To remove Debt and Poverty.• Promotes smooth functioning of business.• It also helps to make favourable situations / position.• To minimize the malefic effect of afflicted Saturn and protect from any negative eventuality.
Special Shani Shanti Puja Special shani shanti puja is conducted for persons going through mahadasa or antardasa of shani and suffering from shani sade sati, shani dhaiya or if their is any malefic/ markesha or retrogade of shani in horoscope
The Puja rituals are performed by learned priests in strict accordance with Vedic rituals.
Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap in India
Pitradosh Nivaran Puja in India
Pitradosh Nivaran Puja in India
- The repeated illness of children in the home
- The newly married couple or married pair faces various problems to conceive the child, simply one will face distinct issues while trying to get pregnant or the lady may conceive the girl child again and again
- Without any reasonable cause, members of family will make quarrel
- No peace in the home
- Different halts in career and personal growth
- Facing issues to get the appropriate pair for marriage
Saturday, 19 July 2014
#ShravanShaniwar – Importance of Saturdays in Sawan Month
Saturdays or Shanivar in the month of Shravan are equally important as Mondays. Shravan Shanivar is chosen by many devout Hindus to seek the blessings of Lord Shani. Shravan Shaniwar is also known as Sampat Shanivara, as it is widely believed that Lord Shani showers blessings on devotees especially that of prosperity and wealth.
Saturday or Shanivar is generally dedicated to Lord Shani and people observe a fast on the day to get rid of the malefic effects that Shani graha has on their horoscope. In Sawan month, Shanivar Vrata is observed by all people as it is Sampat Shaniwaara – ‘Sampat’ means wealth.
Shani Puja is observed on Sawan Shanivar. Those who are suffering from Shani Dosha would perform Shani Shanti Pujan to pacify Shani’s effect.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Sun Transit into Cancer Zodiac
#suninzodiac #suntransitinzodiac #shravansankranti #karksankranto #astroremedy
On 16 July, 2014 Sun transit into Cancer zodiac occurred. It will stay in Cancer zodiac till August 17, 2014. This transit marks the movement of Sun from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere. This phase is termed as Karka Sankranti or Shravan Sankranti.
How this transit will affect your life, let us look at it here –
Sun is transiting in your 4th house. During this phase your mind will be surrounded by immoral thoughts. Do not indulge in illegal deeds. This phase you will work more in office, which may result into fatigue. Stay alert while driving. You may be concerned about the health of your parents. Think before you invest.
The transit will take place in the 3rd house. You will get the opportunities to visit different places. Short trips will be favorable and prosperous. During this period, spend money as per your budget. The family desires will get fulfilled and your wishes will come true. Health will remain satisfactory. Relations with family members will improve.
Sun is transiting in the 2nd house. During this phase you may suffer from eye or face ailments. This transit will also affect your domestic life. For financial matters too, the time is not favorable. Be cautious while dealing with monetary issues.
Sun is transiting in your 1st house. You will be full of fury during this period. You might suffer from fever or ailments due to extreme heat. Short trips are foreseen. You will be beneficial in the public or governmental matters. Your efforts will yield fruitful results.
Sun will be in the 12th house during this transit. It will result in increasing the expenses. You need to take the business decision smartly. Taking decision in aggression might harm you. Try to stay away from illegal activities. Maintain good relation with relatives and friends.
Sun transit will be in the 11th house. Deals made during this time will prove to be successful. You will get immense profit from contract and deals. You may also get increment in the work front. Your wishes will be fulfilled. Shopping is foreseen with your loved ones. This is a favorable time for you and beloved to go on a long trip.
Sun transit is occurring in your 10th house. During this phase, you are likely to be active and busy in your tasks. You will gain the results from your hard work in your job or business. In we talk about an increment; you might get the promotion at your workplace. Sun transit will be satisfactory for you. You will be relived from financial crisis too.
Sun will transit in your 9th house. This time will bring mixed results. You will visit spiritual places. Take care of your parent’s health during this phase. There are chances of professional trip too. Long trips will yield fruitful results. In financial matters, you will get good opportunities. In the job front, transit will be beneficial for you.
Sun will occupy the 8th house. This combination is not good. You may face sudden troubles. It is good to stay away from illegal activities. Before signing any paperwork, take a proper look at it. Try to maintain good relation with you relatives. You also need to take care for your health. Be cautious while driving.
Sun will be transiting in your 7th house. The position of Sun is not considered favorable. Try to avoid conflicts with your life partner. You will be mentally stressed during this phase. Take utmost care of your health. Hard work may not yield fruitful results. Problems in business might also show up.
Sun will be transiting in your 6th house. During this phase your efforts will be fruitful. Success in your endeavors is foreseen. You will gain promotion and prestige. Your problems will get resolved during this phase. Reputation and fame will increase. You will enjoy favorable time during this phase.
Sun will be transiting in your 5th house. This transit period is not favorable for you. Before you opt to take some important decision consult with experienced person once. Some unexpected journey might show up. You will welcome your life with zeal and enthusiasm. Love life may not be very creditable.
Incase the transition is not favoring you. You may Book your remedial shanti puja by writing to us at below email ID-
Email us:
Saturn in Libra 2014
#saturninlibra #exaltedshani #shanidadha #shanidasha #sadesati #exaltedsaturn
Saturn in Libra:
Astrologically July is an eventful month with Rahu-Ketu changing signs, Saturn turning direct, and Mars finally moving out of Virgo where it had been for the past 6 months. While each planetary transit will naturally affect some people more than others, we can all take advantage of the unique karma clearing opportunities being activated by the current set of transits. Saturn turning direct on July 21st (IST) is a major opportunity to clear bad karma as Saturn is the planet that rules suffering. Plus 3 days later is another chance to clear a Guru's Curse as the upcoming 13th Waning Moon falls on a Thursday. This is the most powerful Guru Pradosham of the year as it aligns with Lord Shiva's birthstar, Ardra.
On July 21st (IST), Saturn will turn direct in Libra, after this date only 105 Days will remain for you to connect with an Exalted Saturn. Saturn is still in Libra, the natural sign for relationships, and in general when he turns direct there will be more comfort in your relationships. Inner tension that has developed in the past 4 months will now melt away. Likewise, in your career, you will find obstacles that had appeared in the past 4 months will be resolved now. To reduce possible difficulties caused by Saturn's move into Scorpio onNovember 2nd, 2014, propitiate Saturn and acquire his blessings during his remaining 105 days in Libra. The remaining 105 Days of an Exalted Saturn is a period of grace. It is the last time for the next 5 years, you will be able to appease a flexible and receptive Saturn.
For shani puja and Shani Grah Shanti, contact www.aapkikundli.Com
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja in India
Get Knowledge About Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja In India
Like other bad Yogas in Kundli, Grahan Dosh is also responsible to ruin individual’s life. Simply the misplaced planets are engaged to create such a bad time where you will be stuck in Grahan Dosh. The situations when Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja in India may be your need are enlisted underneath:
- Placing Rahu and Sun within the same house or when both of these planets are watching each other, this dosh is called as PURNA SURYA GRAHAN DOSH.
- The other is PARTIAL SURYA GRAHAN DOSH that comes due to Sun and Ketu placed together
- PURNA CHANDRA GRAHAN DOSH is from other situation that compels to undergo Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja in India and it comes due to Ketu and Moon togetherness
- The other Grahan Dosh named as PARTIAL CHANDRA GRAHAN DOSH comes along when Moon and Rahu are placed within the same house
How To Rectify Grahan Dosh – The Only Solution Is Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja In India
Enchanting some Vedic Matras may help you out to reduce the bad results of these Grahan Dosh. How badly these Grahan Doshes may destroy your life, you can understand it from underneath points that further compel you to perform Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja in India:
- Repeated miscarriages
- Children going to illness again and again
- Conceiving baby girl every time
- Severe disruption in businesses
- Unknown cause to destroy the peace of your house
- Negative vibes while entering in home
- No matter how much best efforts you have invested for your betterment, it will not help you out even you will feel conked
In case if any of these indicators are making alert in front of you then, don’t be silent. Get up and perform Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja in India to haunt all these problems. For removal of any kind of Grahan Dosh from an Individual’s horoscope, only trained and experienced purohits will help you.
The eight forms of # Shiva #Ashtamurti
#LordShiva is called #Ashtamurti because He is of eight (ashta) forms (murtis). The eight forms of Shiva are:
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"अथाग्नि: रविरिन्दुश्च भूमिराप: प्रभन्जन:,यजमान: षमखनौ च महादेवस्य मूर्तेय:" |
1. #Sharva
2. #Bhava
3. #Rudra
4. #Ugra
5. #Bhima
6. #Pashupati
7. #Ishana
8. #Mahadeva
Sharva rules over the earth
Bhava rules over the water
Rudra rules over the fire
Ugra rules over the wind
Bhima rules over space
Pashupati rules over the soul
Ishana rules over the sun
Mahadeva rules over the moon
The earth, water, fire, wind, space, sun, moon and the Kshetrajna (knower of the field, i.e. soul) are the eight manifest forms of Shiva. This interpretation, per the Shiva Purana, implies that Shiva is the Knower and the known. Recall from a previous entry entitled Shivam, a verse from the Tirumantiram also spoke of Shiva manifesting as the eight (Note: sometimes the eighth entity is listed as the asterisms, but more often the eighth is the soul.)
The eight forms may also be viewed as the guardians of the eight terrestrial directions:
Sharva rules over the east
Bhava rules over the northeast
Rudra rules over the north
Ugra rules over the northwest
Bhima rules over the west
Pashupati rules over the southwest
Ishana rules over the south
Mahadeva over the southeast
#Shiva is the center, and His eight forms are the eight directions. He is both the Pervader and the pervaded.
The eight forms of Shiva show, using ancient schemes of the eight existent entities, that Shiva is the manifest Divine. Thus, the Ashtamurtis together represent Shiva’s universal form (Vishvarupa).
book your #shrawan #Shiva #Puja today as we have only few bookings left, #aapkikundli